
Insights on a range of topics, brought to you by our expert team of tutors and our extended network.

UCAS Rhodes Willoughby UCAS Rhodes Willoughby

How to Choose which A-Levels to Study

You can think of life as a long series of decision trees. In academic terms, the first major one you face is your GCSE subject choice, the next are your A-Level choices, then university/apprenticeship choices, then the career decisions that follow. It’s impossible (well… not impossible, but strongly advised against) to plan out your entire career from your teen years until retirement, but it’s good to have an idea of the direction you want to go in…

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Medicine, UCAS Rhodes Willoughby Medicine, UCAS Rhodes Willoughby

Book Recommendations for your Medical School application

When applying to medical school, it’s important to ensure that you have enough content for your personal statement. Generally, this takes the form of work experience, life experiences, extracurriculars, part-time work, volunteering, and books/papers you’ve read (amongst other things).

Reading medicine-oriented books is a great way to form a strong narrative in your personal statement

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UCAS, University Rhodes Willoughby UCAS, University Rhodes Willoughby

Should I go to university in London?

London is often viewed through rose-tinted glasses, widely regarded as one of the greatest cities in the world for science, culture, leisure, history and more. Many people hear “London” and feel that the grass is greener there, whereas for others it may conjure up the image of being packed onto a tube in the midday heat, a baby crying behind you as a man late for work hovers his malodorous sweat-patches a little too close to your face…

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Medicine, UCAS Rhodes Willoughby Medicine, UCAS Rhodes Willoughby

5 tips to Master your Medicine Interview

Medical school interviews can be daunting… especially if you don’t have much experience being interviewed. What can they ask you? How should you come across? Are there any specific red flags to avoid saying or doing? These are all common questions and anxieties now we’re entering interview season…

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